10 Actionable E-COmmerce SEO tips

10 Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices


Let’s be honest here. E-Commerce has introduced a sales point vertical that lets you reach countless customers online.
No doubt you can take your business to the next level with organic e-commerce SEO. 
There are a lot of doubts surrounding the world of E-Commerce SEO. Questions such as the following trouble even the most seasoned of entrepreneurs today:
What are the best e-commerce SEO practices?
How am I going to rank my product pages?
How do I optimize website in a way that both customers and search engines fall in love with it?
Paid vs. organic search traffic, what’s better?
So, what’s the workaround?
In short, strategically optimizing your site to followtake advantage of e-commerce SEO strategies is the answer.
I have discovered a few best seo practices for ecommerce that have helped my clients increase their ranking, organic traffic, Click-Through-Rates (CTR).
And in this article, I will share these e-commerce SEO best practices with you. I have included points to help you speed up your website, improve the e-commerce SEO score, find the gap in the market, and optimize your e-commerce store while giving out an organic look and feel.
Let’s dig in.

Table of Contents

Use customer reviews to boost the product’s credibility

Whenever I shop for an expensive product or anything that falls in the $200+ price range, the customer reviews help make an informed buying decision.

I am not talking about the paid reviews by social media influencers. I am talking about the verified customers who’ve already invested in the same purchase.

Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

When I see a few customer reviews, I click the “Buy Now” button.

If your website isn’t already featuring such an element in your product review section, you need to get it featured as soon as possible.

Social validation is a vital factor in e-commerce psychology. People are tribal beings; we love assurances from like-minded people.

In e-commerce, customer reviews matter a lot. Plus, Google and other search engines use Schema and rich snippets to highlight user-generated reviews and start ratings.  

Analyze your competition to find market

I know this may come off as an off-topic point but finding the market gaps will help you get more clicks on Google.

Let’s say that you want to purchase a particular product.

Hypothetically, you are searching for a “Seeding Tray for Tomatoes.“

In this case, there might be seeding trays suitable for various other vegetables and plant seeds, but there isn’t any seeding tray designed for tomatoes specifically. 

Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

You can modify your products slightly and place your place to fill this gap.
Customers searching for “Seeding Trays for Tomatoes” will gradually start seeing your e-commerce site on the top stop of SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
When customers see the exact match for their inserted keywords, they are more likely to click on the result.
More organic CTR on the SERP will help you boost your overall brand value in the eyes of leading search engines.
So, long story short, closely analyze your competition to dig out what they are missing and modify your existing products to place yourself as a viable solution.
Following this strategy, you not only one-up the competition, but you also eliminate future competition in the same segment.

Keep your design simple and intuitive

A slider here, a upsell popup there….. and in a few days, you end up dealing with a cluttered e-commerce web design.
Leading e-commerce sharks don’t use that many web design elements. To be honest with you, they use simple design language.
But why?
To keep things simple and give each element enough space on the canvas.
As an e-commerce business, you must understand the value of your customer’s attention. The more elements you have on the web page, the greater chances of distracting them.

Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

If they are on your e-commerce website, they want to spend some money.
There’s no point in showing them hundreds of elements with the same information. When it comes to e-commerce, simple is better. Also, It helps people to spend more time. This increases your customer dwell time.

Think from your target customer’s point of view & write content

When running an ecommerce business, many people forget the point of view of their customers. They think from a business point of view.
You can use keyword research tools such as Ubersuggest and SEMRush to dig out most searched and relevance search terms. To get the whole picture, you can also visit niche blogs and community forums in your niche.
A business’s job is to sell as many products as possible. I mean, that’s the whole point, right?
But it’s your customers that are going to spend money on you.
Be it a B2B or B2C business model, you must factor in the following:
Your customer’s expectations.
What the industry problems and their pain points are.
What kind of shopping experience are you offering?
Once you address these three questions and tweak your e-commerce site accordingly, you will start seeing a better CTR and overall growth in your sales because your customers can now easily relate to the product and services you are selling.

Focus on the homepage SEO

This is where most e-commerce brands fail. They don’t spend time working, tweaking, and optimizing the homepage of their e-commerce website. Some e-commerce site’s homepages are left untouched for years until the next design revamp.
This is where professional e-commerce SEO experts beat you.
Having a poorly optimized homepage will stand in the way of your website’s long-term and short-term growth.
So, focus on tweaking a few elements on your homepage. Take inspiration from popular e-commerce portals such as Amazon, E-Bay, and Etsy to figure out what works in a particular industry. You can even analyze some medium-scale e-commerce brands to get a clearer view.
The image below illustrates various details that e-commerce giants have added to their homepage to increase the organic CTR and sales

Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

Limited time sale is highlighted at the very top of the page. Depending on the time, these elements are changed either automatically or manually.
Seasonal offers to attract new and returning customers. Again, depending on the occasion, these products and categories change .
Pre-teen or academy-related items and categories.
The low-priced subscription doesn’t need a large payment. Easy to sell and market.
Favorite and best sellers from the most frequent shopping category.
There are some other categories on the homepage of Amazon. You can go visit the app or the website to explore more.
A similar trend can be noticed with other e-commerce sites with such market command.
What can you take away from these market leaders?
Modifying the homepage and customizing it daily to relate to the customer helps convert prospects into paying clients and existing customers into repeat ones.
That said, for this strategy to work like a charm, you need real-world testing and tweaking.

Use a CDN to improve content delivery

What separates an online business from an offline business?
The reach.
An average AWS server can handle medium-scale e-commerce website requests without breaking a sweat. But things start getting slow when your customer-base scales exponentially.
A traditional web server might experience downtimes. Customers from specific geographical locations may have to deal with a slow-loading website.
What’s worse than a poorly designed e-commerce website? A slow-loading website.
A slow-loading website is frustrating. It will compel even loyal customers to look for alternatives.
The best workaround for slow page loading time is to use a Content Delivery Network.
What’s a CDN?

Actionable E-Commerce SEO Best Practices

In simple terms, it is a network of cloud computers with a much better global reach.
Sign up for a CDN service and future-proof your e-commerce business

Insert informative ALT texts for product images

If you have been doing SEO or reading SEO articles, you already understand the importance of image alt tags.
The alt tag is displayed if an image on your website fails to load.

E-Commerce SEO

In addition, search engines use alt tags to determine the context behind an image.
If you are selling a high-priced sneaker and your brand name is ABC Lifestyle, your Alt tag should be similar to “Trendy Sneaker from ABC Lifestyle.”
Trendy is the name of your sneaker.
You can also use the product title as your image alt tag.
Google will not be able to determine the relevancy of your image if it doesn’t have any ALT tag. Having an ALT tag will increase your chances to driving traffic from image search results.

Provide descriptive product descriptions on the products page

On countless occasions, I have seen e-commerce businesses use short descriptions.
You barely get any detailed information about the product. The customer has to rely on your promises to get a quality product.
But what’s wrong with that?
Well, product descriptions must share all relevant information about a product. Failing to produce relevant information in the product description increases the chances of a refund.

E-Commerce SEO

Furthermore, an incomplete product description will make your product page thin. Google and other search engines will not properly categorize your product.
You need to add as much content with relevant LSI keywords to the description as possible. Also don’t forget to add video and infographics to the page because this helps people to spend more time on your online store.
That said, you need to remember —Relevancy is the key here.

Keep URLs short with the primary target keyword

Whenever I audit e-commerce portals, I detect a pattern.
Either the URL of the product page is unreadable or too long.
Google loves short links.

E-Commerce SEO

If you are selling Nike T-Shirt, your product URL should be something similar to the following:
In addition, having such short and descriptive URLs will help your customers identify the product page easily as it is far easier to remember and recall.


You can easily improve your e-commerce site’s overall SEO score by implementing these basic optimization techniques. These strategies coupled with high quality, relevant search traffic from search traffic will help you in eventually growing your search presence drastically.
Wondering how to properly optimize your e-commerce SEO, check out my step by step ecommerce SEO guide to master the art of ranking e-commerce website the right way.

Ecommerce Facebook Ads

How to Scale Your E-commerce Business with Facebook Ads


Growing Ecommerce is hard. But when you use a platform like Facebook with the right marketing strategies, you can grow your business without any hassle.

I have generated more than $500K in Facebook ads for eCommerce business. Based on that I am going to discover the things which I used & Which can help the eCommerce business.

Facebook Ads funnel
Retargeting ads
Catalog sales ad
Flash sale ad
Brand Awareness
Customer Value Journey

Did you come here to learn Facebook ads technically?

You will not get technical stuff here. But you will be able to get the things other than Facebook ads technical stuff and which can help to grow their online store with Facebook ads..

Let’s get started!

1. Framework

When you want to use Facebook ads, you create a framework or a successful path for eCommerce ads. In this framework, you need to draw the steps that you will follow to create & manage the ads.

Here is a framework I use to run Facebook ads:

Do Market research & create buyer personas
Set specific goals like traffic, CPC, CTR, ATC, IC, Purchases, & ROAS.
Make a test drive to understand in real
Do Analysis & Make a Funnel strategy
Create Audience
Create Content & Creatives
Setup the Funnel ads
Monitor ads everyday
Optimize and scale the campaign

2.Facebook Ads funnel

There are many people who tried to run direct conversion ads & saying that Facebook ads are not giving ROAS.

Yeah That’s true.

When you try to create just a conversion ad for a cold audience, you will not get profit even if you get purchases.

There are different kinds of people who live in the target location. Each one may look any one of following things: 

Known Brand
More customers reviews
Influencers words/Recommendation
Familiarity with the new brand

If you assume yourself as a customer, which one could be the reason for making buying decisions?.

You may choose any one or two.

But I may look for other reasons to make a purchase.

In this case, how is a brand able to target both people with a single custom conversion ad?

We have to use the funnel to convert all users together. When you do this, you are able to get more customers.

More profits too!

Here is the simple funnel that use:

Top of funnel: 

Goal: Brand awareness

Ad Objective: Traffic, Video Views, View Content

Budget: 50% of ad campaign budget

Audience: Cold Audience

In this stage, we must use the content which can create an awareness about the product. Here is an example content which aims to create awareness about the product

Mid of funnel: 

Goal: Consideration

Ad Objective: Add to cart, Initiate Checkout

Budget: 30% of ad campaign budget

Audience: Warm audience who engaged in the top funnel.

In this stage, we have to retarget the people who are already engaged at the top of the funnel. Also you have communicated about the offer & scarcity. Here is an example content which aims to get attention about the product offer.

You might have listened/got the strategy before, but have not tried a proper funnel yet? 

That is one of main reasons why your ecommerce business is not profitable with social giant,

It’s not too late, Create & execute a simple funnel to see the results. 

If funnels are not generating the sales, you must check these things to find out the reasons.

Bottom of the funnel

Goal: conversion

Ad Objective: Purchase

Budget: 30% of ad campaign budget

Audience: Warm audience who engaged in the mid funnel.

In this stage, we have to communicate about the urgency and scarcity of the product to spike the interest in the audience which prompts them to make the order transaction possible.

Communicate about the offer and scarcity first with a proper call to action to initiate a checkout.

Here is an example:

3.Offers in Facebook ads

Offers are one of the best ways to increase your ecommerce sales.

Offers boosts sales. Period. In real time experience, offers tend to catch instant attention from users improving the overall click through rates. Perhaps offer induced ads can propel and boost your social media engagement as well. It is a win-win situation here with both sales as well as post engagement with your prospects.

There are different types of offers that can be communicated in Facebook ads. Some of the most commonly used offers are discount codes, vouchers, year end sale, summer sale, flash sale, clearance sale etc.


When you want to convert more people as a customer, what you communicate is the most important factor. 

If you are not communicating the things that people are looking for as benefits from the product, you will not be able to convert them at all.

So here is a way to tell your product benefits/brand story via Ads.

Analyze your product benefits & Features
Analyze our competitors products/brands and list out the differences/unic things that you can communicate.
Find out the problem & Benefits are commonly talking about the product on Forum, testimonials, reviews, & social media.
Then connect all the gathered information to create the communication theme. Also consider whom you’re going to reach.
Once the theme is ready, create multiple stages of ad contents.

Each stage of the funnel, communication must be specific. Here is an example:

TOF: Brand Awareness:

The first stage of Funnel starts with creating unique brand awareness for your brand. As this is the first time prospects get to know you, start your Facebook campaign by giving a detailed insight into your brand and product and make sure they are aware of what you are trying to sell them, basically as a product to satisfy their needs. Brand awareness typically starts with prospecting cold audiences, either by creating a new set of audience with buyer persona or creating a lookalike audience with existing users.

MOF: Consideration

The second stage of funnel is obviously where you try to get into their options list with creating a more personalized way of approach that identifies their need from the bottom rather than a general overview. The best way to do so is communicate about the benefits of the product rather than moving towards pushing your brand to them

Take a look at this ad copy from Amoda

BOF: Conversion

The last stage is where the prospects either make a purchase or exit a tunnel. Go all guns blazing with this one as the final stage is ought to bring you  the necessary purchases. Give them the chance to avail the limited period offer or last few stocks .

The main objective here is to create a sense of urgency that prevails on the minds of prospects that urges them to make the purchase. 

Don’t forget to add videos in your social media ads because more than 54% of total social media users wish to see a video from the brands than a contemporary image or blog contents.

Keep the video short, creative and impulsive in a sense to keep them well engaged.

5.Retargeting audience

Are you getting a lot of traffic, but all the users are not making purchases?

Now, you can recover/increase your online store revenue by doing retargeting ads. Over 70% of the users are more likely to convert in retargeting ads.

They might leave with a reason, it could be anything like “need more offer” “want to do more research about the product benefits”. But you should not leave them. Retargeting is a possibility to show more details about your product or brand.

Well we obviously can’t stop them but can surely retarget them on specific grounds to get them back on our site again to turn them into customers.

Did you know?

25% of the people who like retargeting ads because ads remind them about the product.

You can use retargeting ads in 3 ways: 

1. Catalogue sales

A set of collective products they were interested in when they checked in to your site initially. This is the best ad to get more sales as you show them ads of products, they viewed the product or added to their cart.  

In fact, I have generated INR. 1 Million by spending just spending INR.40k through Facebook Dynamic ads

Here is an example

2. Flash sales

Being into ecommerce you should probably understand how a flash sale works and its potential to the overall sales. You must regularly use flash sale ads every year, like once in 6 months at least to get your audience excited with new offers, deals and year end discounts. This will ensure you get a good number of sales as well as earn their trust and love towards the brand.

When you do a flash sale, you will convert the people who visited your online store previously, but did not make a purchase.

3. Awareness ads

The last ad type you’d ever want to choose, as this type is not sales oriented but more towards increasing your engagement. Use this ad type when you want people to be more engaged with your brand and create a good awareness about your product through awareness ads.

4.Customer Value Journey

A customer’s journey on your site is as important as getting them visit your site. You take up the driver’s seat in deciding the actions he/she is supposed to take.

If you sell only one product, you will not be able to make much profit. If you get multiple sales from the same customers, you will be able to grow 4X or more.

This is where the idea of upselling expensive or cross selling products comes into play. You lure your prospects to try your base selling product and once when they are into your site, you try to push them gently towards trying a better priced product or cross sell other products that might spike the interest of your prospects.

 Here is a customer value journey from Digital Marketer.

You have to plan the journey before making the campaigns to get users 1 sale.

These are based on our experience of helping our clients achieve better target sales by understanding our audience better and adapting these points. If you want to taste similar success as of our clients, book a free consulting call now and get a personalized strategy report for your business absolutely FREE. Book Now

Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO: A comprehensive guide


A comprehensive guide to breakdown the basic structure of Ecommerce SEO. This ecommerce guide is all you need to learn about optimizing your site, that sheds light into everything a SEO covers from keyword research to technical SEO to link building.
If you want to drive quality traffic to your site, you will need this guide to optimize your Ecommerce page to get the maximum benefits.

Importance of SEO

SEO is the way of taking your site to the masses, optimizing your page to meet the SEO standards means more organic traffic coming your way which indeed shows organic leads heading up to your site. Almost every top site that comes up at the top of a google or bing search just goes about to explain how effectively their SEO teams have been working to top the charts.
According to backlinko
Almost 37% of traffic to all ecommerce sites comes from Search engines.
44% of consumers buy their product by starting to search on Google.
23.6% orders directly come from the organic traffic as a result of good SEO.

Why Audit is important for a website?

Running Audit regularly helps in upholding the smooth functioning of the site and also ensures there’s no threat or problem with the SEO standards of your site. This provides the key to improve and optimize the site further to meet the SEO standards. There are processes involved in site audits like
• User engagement
• User experience
• Traffic
• Functionality
• Site health
• Website performance
A website audit can be broken down into the following aspects:
• Site health audit
• Website security audit
• Social media presence audit
• Conversion rate optimization audit
• Negative seo audit
• Competitor website audit
• Penalty and recovery audit
• Duplicate content audit
Let quickly get to the Ecommerce SEO guide

1. Ecommerce keyword research

Once you completed the site audit, Probably you set a plan and goal for a respective niche. Once you find the niche then go for a Keyword research. Keyword research is where everything starts with SEO optimization. It is not only the basic but also the important structure in building the SEO campaign as it intimates every other SEO related tasks that you carry out on your website.
Your keywords list has a direct influence on your technical SEO too. This is mainly because your site’s URL and architecture needs to take keywords into accounts.
So the first thing you should probably do in an SEO campaign is to find the right keywords that people search for and use only the best ones that can help you take away the ranks in a clean sweep. So how exactly do you do that?

How to find the right keywords?

First, know and decide what topic you are going to write about. Then You can find keywords by using Keyword Research Tools.
Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest both are keyword research tools that will help you find keywords When you enter your Heading or Search Term.

Along with finding them, you can also see their Search Volume, Search Difficulty, Competition Level, and Suggested Keywords related to your Heading.

Note : The Long tail keyword that consists of many related keywords clubbed together that have a better chance of converting than keywords with short phrases.

Tools for Keyword generator

There are plenty of keyword research tools available online that can help you increase your organic traffic by a huge 62.2% Some of the popular tools are Google Keyword Planner Tool It is a comprehensive tool that suggests keywords from across all the platforms.

There are various other popular tools for keywords research like
• SEM Rush
• Ahrefs Keywords research
• Google keyword planner
• Ubersuggest
You can choose any of these tools or find one that serves your needs online easily.

How to Choose Keywords

1. Volume

The most important aspect of choosing Keywords is largely based on the search volume indeed. Find the difference between High volume and low volume for your industry and product.

If you are a new site, find the low & medium volumes because most of the big brands are fighting for higher seach volume.
Low volume is a good start for beginners.

2. Competitors

Now you need to search keywords based on the competition to know how to reach the first page in Google search.

There are again multiple tools for searching keywords based on competition. One such tool is the Semrush Keyword difficulty.

This tool gives you a metric about how the competition revolves on that one keyword.
It’s simple, enter the keyword in the search box to find the keyword difficulty.
The harder it is to rank, when the difficulty percentage number piles up

3. Long Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they’re closer to a point-of-purchase or when they’re using voice search.

Long tail keywords have low search volume and High conversion rate. Here you can see the monthly searches of long tail keywords.

2.Ecommerce Website Structure

Site structure is basically how things are architecture and placed on your site that plays a very major part in determining the SEO standards of your site.

With Ecommerce sites obviously having more pages than a normal blog site, it is often difficult for search engines to find all your pages.

There are 2 ways to optimize your Ecommerce website to meet the SEO norms.

The first point is to make it really simple and not too deep for a user or google to get confused with.

This is a simple layout structure where the link authority is placed on the Site’s category and product pages. It helps to rank your site in Google and also easy for Google to index your pages.

The second point is to make sure every page on your site is three or fewer clicks away from the home page.

3.On page SEO

With the completion of Ecommerce page architecture, it is now time to move to page optimization. For almost all the ecommerce sites, it is the category and product pages that need the optimization as these are responsible for alluring more traffic and sales.

Still wondering how? A guy searching for Levi’s denim jacket size L is much better when it comes to shopping than a guy who searches just for a denim jacket. It is why it’s very important to optimize your product page and the title first.

Meta Title optimization

The rule is simple. Add your target keyword in your title tag along with tempting words like ‘Best price, etc as this gives scope for long tail keyword searches.

Also these extra words are what people commonly use while searching for their products. Some of the most common tags and terms people use are :

• Best
• Review
• Free shipping

The second method to optimize your title is to include terms like offer to double your CTR.
These magnetic terms along with target keywords are hard to resist for any potential buyers.

Some of the most commonly used magnetic words by people are:

• ‘Numbers’ OFF (30% OFF)
• best price

Meta Description Optimization

Description part of your site can be an important arena to pick up your on page SEO.

It also plays a key factor in helping you improve your site’s CTR.

The title keywords along with magnetic words that I listed above can be used for the description as well. You can add more terms as with the description tag, you get a lot of space to include more keywords and magnetic words to improve your overall CTR.

Some of the few phrases that have proven to work better are:

• Get Free shipping on all our products today.
• Save ‘numbers’ off on our product

There are still loads of terms you can experiment with. The idea is to include more magnetic and alluring words as much as possible.

4.Technical SEO

The importance of Technical SEO can’t be stressed enough as this is one of the important spaces for issues to appear as well, and even more for the ecommerce sites as they tend to have more pages under their skin. A technical SEO can often be the decider of a game between placing your page on the 1st position or on the 4th position.

Site audits are key in identifying the issues with your ecommerce sites and running these audits regularly can ensure that your site runs really smoothly free from any issues.

There are many tools available online to run audits frequently. Some of the most commonly used tools are

• Ahref
• SEMrush
• Uber suggest

Site speed

A research by Radware claims that the top 500 American ecommerce sites are 16% slower. The average loading speed has increased from 7.36 seconds to 8.56 seconds.

According to statistics, a business loses 25% of visitors if the loading speed takes over 4 seconds to load.

There are loads of reasons behind your ecommerce site being really slow, from setting up with a mediocre host to adding up more DNS lookups, the reasons can be many. But how do you optimize it?

There are some ways to lower your loading speed like reducing the size of your page. Other common ways to increase the site speed are:

• Use a cache and in memory technique
• Using content delivery network
• Optimize the image quality
• Compress data
• Monitor site speed
• Reduce round trips
• Optimize platform configurations
• Avoiding redirects

Duplicate content

Duplicate content can be a nightmare, first it confuses both users and google, and secondly it takes away the SEO ranking from your hands directly. Though unintentionally floated, many of the duplicate contents can often be a part of the negligence incurred.

There are different types of duplicate contents like URL duplicates where different URL leads to the same page. If you copy and paste from another ecommerce site, Google will tag it as a duplicate content. This is again an error that’s being overlooked.

As an ecommerce site, you are not the only one selling a specific manufacturer’s product. So copying the manufacturer’s own description for your site might be considered a duplicate content as there are other ecommerce sites selling the same products.

To fix URL duplicates, use 301 redirects to let Google know that different links on your site are not duplicates at all. Once you are done applying a 301 redirect, the status of the page will be changed to ‘Moved permanently’.

5.Content Marketing

Without any doubt content marketing can be the first person to get the necessary sales and conversions for any given ecommerce site. But does it really help with SEO and traffic? Short answer is YES, if you do it correctly.

Content marketing is all about understanding what your audience wants and you give them exactly what they want with a bit of keywords included in them. Go to forums, youtube comment sections where people talk about your product that you are selling.

H&M runs an online magazine for blogs and fashion contents. Check out the H&M magazine to know how they keep their audience engaged regularly

Look for the style and terms how they communicate with each other about your product. Now frame a content revolving around these keywords and phrases so it connects with your target audience better more emotionally as well.

There are lots of ecommerce marketing sites running a blog section about interesting topics related to their contents that helps them in ranking their page better and also brings more traffic to their site as well. Now that’s a win win situation for your site.

Post blogs regularly to keep the audience coming to your page, stay engaged and develop a connection with your brand.

Make sure your contents are SEO optimized as well before you go live.

6.Ecommerce Link Building

Link building is one of the hardest parts of the SEO optimization process. But it’s definitely not that hard if you know what people expect from your end. Consider you are selling a speaker or earphone, then making a short blog or video on topics like “Top 10 Songs of all time’ or something related to this will definitely help people to redirect to your landing page.

The key focus is to build more quality links as possible and increase your sites visibility as well.

Now the most sought after way to link building is featuring influencers on your ecommerce sit, this works really well if you are selling shoes or clothing lines.

There is also the video marketing strategy, to build links through video marketing. You can also enable product share feature, another great way to build links.

7. Product page optimization:

Product page optimization is the toughest part of the job as you want to write high quality content that needs to be on line with the conversion rate as well. So how exactly do you optimize it?


Longer contents are ranked better in google. Period. So ensure you write a 350 – 400 words description that includes as much as keywords possible that also makes senses at any given point.

A detailed description allows Google to understand your product better, and the better it understands the better rank your page receives. Besides an in-depth product page description allows users to get a better hold of your products.


Keep your image optimized with the right size so that it doesn’t take forever to load. Ensure shrinking the size doesn’t deteriorate the image quality. An ecommerce site sporting real time photos, 360 degree photos and even enabling review images works wonders for the audience.

If it’s an ecommerce site selling apparel or clothing lines, models wearing the clothing line and writing down the physical attributes of the model like the height, shoulder’s length can revolutionize the shopping experience.


close to 7 out of 10 people prefer looking at reviews before getting a product so ensure you have reviews and ratings available on your product page effectively.

Including keywords is not for keyword density but for Google to understand your site better. Use it 4-5 times in your description to give Google a better perspective of your product.

LSI keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are phrases or words that are a close part of your main target keyword.

For example if your product is a sweatshirt, then your LSI keywords must be something like:

  • Winter sweatshirt
  • Cotton sweatshirt
  • Full sleeve sweatshirt
  • Warm sweatshirt

These are some of the most commonly used LSI keywords for the term Sweatshirt.

There are few ways to find them, one such is obviously heading over to Amazon, then look for terms that show up many times in the same category page. And that’s your LSI words for the product.

The other way to find is to enter your keyword in Google keyword planner and then look for the suggested keywords from the list.

Short URL

It has been clearly evident that google tends to rank better with a shorter URL than a page with a longer URL.

Look how tiring long URLs can be, the one in the above could have been more specific by getting rid of the unwanted numbers.

Since you frame an URL for an ecommerce site, your URL tends to have a longer format as you need to include categories, sub categories, products etc. But the idea is to keep it as short as possible as you don’t want to confuse Google with a longer URL.

Use a 2 word description for your category and product pages

For example


then for the final product you can use something like this


See how simple that one went? Make sure you give a 1 or 2 keyword description making it easy for Google to understand so that your product can rank better.

8. Internal Linking

The idea is really simple. To link one page to another page in your very own website is a part of link building. when done properly, you can see direct changes on your site ranking.

Also the words that need to be linked between two pages must be an anchor keyword. This helps to understand the right target keyword.

9. Schema Markup

Google gets rich snippets from structured markups like Schema as search results. And the ecommerce sites have the benefits of using reviews as their most powerful rich snippet.

Schema is code developed on your site that gives Google and other search engines a better understanding of your products. By using Schema on your ecommerce page you can get reviews for your search results.

There are third party tools to enable schema markups on your site, as manually setting schema markups can be a painful process. Tools like Google’s Structured Data Markup helper can be really handy in setting up your schema markup.

Using google search console enables you to check if your schema markup has been set right, if it’s enabled correctly, you will start seeing ‘Rich Results’ under enhancements.

If you have a rich snippet, you should be able to see it under the mobile usability bar.

10. Keep monitoring search console suggestions to optimize more.

Google search console is a free tool developed by google for ecommerce owners to see how their website actually looks. Keeping a close eye on the google search console helps you to optimize your SEO standards effectively. It helps you to monitor organic presence of your site.

Google search control lets google access your site, monitors the organic results and lets you know how well the site is performing and the issues that need to be fixed. It also helps big time when you want to remove an old content and replace it with a newer one.

All it takes is only a few minutes to set up Google search control for your site. You can enter your site URL in the search bar and hit ‘Add A Property’ and confirm it.

Once you are done with this, verify your account and link it with google account.


These are the basics that you should never ever look while optimizing your site to regain better SEO standards.

As always it’s never a one day process that you can get it done within 24 hours and never look back. Be consistent and wait till you start seeing good results. Good things take time and so should you be.

Perform on and off page SEO regularly and run frequent audits for smooth functioning of the site and also to see prominent organic results coming your way.



How To Find Your Target Audience For Ecommerce Business


So what exactly is an ecommerce business? In simpler terms, selling anything online to customers is known as an ecommerce business.

There are around 4.66 billion active users in the world, where 321 million of new people have joined the bandwagon since last year, which is approximately a staggering 875k new users every day.

But not everyone is your target audience. How to find your’s amidst the astounding 4.66 billion? Well I have curated a list of things on how to find your target audience for ecommerce business.

A report by ecommerce guide states that e commerce business accounts for 14.1 % of all retail sales and these numbers will most certainly reach more than 22% in 2023. Experts has already predicted that with the 2020 coming to an end, the commerce sales must stand at a staggering $4. 13 trillion pretty soon. China takes away a bigger chunk of that number with $1.935 trillion in 2019.

What is Target audience?

Target audience is a specific group of people categorized based on their attributes and interests that might seem to be of a potential customer to an ecommerce business. It is where the business owners create audience personas from their target audience.
Some of the common demographics that brand owners look at while categorizing target audience are:

• Gender
• Age
• Profession
• Income
• Location
• Marital status.
• Interest
• Behaviour

Why is target audience important?

Target audience is really important when it comes to running a successful campaign with an objective of converting into a customer. The average cart abandonment is a whopping 68.8%. They might be the right target audience, but not all of what you see are your right target audience for your ecommerce business.

All you need to convert them is to connect with your target audience in a personalized tone and message that they can individually relate to.

Target audience helps in improving the overall engagement ratio to your website. Imagine a lot of people visiting your site only to exit appropriately. This increases the traffic but it doesn’t help your ecommerce business in any way as there is a huge void for engagement. While the target audience initiates a good dose of engagement that can both bring traffic and conversion value to your ecommerce business.

Also target audience are loyal and are expected to make purchases on a regular basis, while the newbies redirected by google as take a brief tour of your site and exit without affecting your profit numbers, something you wouldn’t be interested at.
The most important benefit of identifying your target audience is the fact that it lets you design and develop your own personalized effective marketing strategy when you know your core audience.

Ways to Find your Target Audience

1.Analyzing your current customers:

Everything starts with your existing customers, this does not only ensure you understand your customer’s interests and needs better, but also helps in sculpting your buyer persona that can be helpful in finding consumers who are more likely to purchase your products.
There are 3 stages in analyzing your customer for an ecommerce business.
The first obviously being the crucial step of identifying who your customers are. This group then must be split into 2 sub groups with similar needs, interests and traits. This way you can also identify target customers you are not reaching.
In google analytics, you can analyze the purchased users interest.

Also, In Klaviyo Email tool, you can see the predictive analytics.
This will help you to understand more about the lifetime value, avg order value, and how frequently, they are making purchases.
Customer analysis next process involves in understanding what the groups needs are, based on customers from different groups.

2.Analyze your competitors customer

To know more about the audience, definitely check the competitors customers.
They will not share their customers publicly, you can analyze purchased users interactions on the reviews, testimonials, Facebook reviews & comments.
here, you can see the 360 reviews on competitors product page.

If you check the review, it will get to know the target audience problem that they are facing.

Here is another example from Facebook recommendation:

So, Find the competitors’ customers where they engage & monitor what they are saying.

3. Research Paper

When you are entering a new market or for the first time, you need to do clear cut research on the current industry standards, the problems, audience needs, interests and more importantly on your competitors audience.
To find out above things, reading the research paper is the one of the best ways to find the target audience.
Here is a way to find the research papers:
Search your keyword on google like “Natural soaps” market research.

Then Refer the research papers & gather data from articles.
Also, check the research date or article published dates. This will help you refer to the recent research articles.
You may not get the research papers for free, bt still you can find few research papers from Statista

4. Survey

Surveys is the most comfortable and accurate representation of your customers/users allowing you to exploit your questions to its fullest.

For example if you are selling a natural soap online, there might be thousands of questions piled upon in your mind. How much are they willing to pay? Which flavour do they like the most? This is just a gist of thousands of questions raised in your mind.
The first step in identifying your target audience is to send a survey to a balanced set of general audience. The survey sample can include anything that includes from as basic as name to what they look for in a soap etc.
In that, you have to ask questions that you want to learn more about the audiences. 

There are more things you can ask to your audience, here are few:

1. Gender,
2. Age
3. What is your interest? or Do you use chemical free soaps?
4. What are the activities you like to do? ( give them options too)
Now you know what you need to ask & next you should know where we have to ask?
Because there are many platforms where people stay. Let give you the ways, you can choose the ways based on the users/customers placement.
• Website popup or widget on the site
• promote on social media page via form
• Send a mail to existing customers
• Ask via Chat bot
Based on the 2010 U.S. census data there are roughly 30 million people in your target market. The ideal number to go for when you are conducting a survey is 150 people and the margin of error stands at 95% confidence level that’s equivalent to + or – 3% that’s close to perfection.
I use Hotjar to do surveys on the site & for other platforms, I use Google forms.

5. Forums

Another great space where the audience engages and interacts a lot that gives the ecommerce businesses just enough space to know what they are talking about and then market their products that answers their questions.
You can find the forum in google. Search product/industry “forum” to get related forums.

In the forum, you can find lots of questions & answers from the users.

Here, interested people only engage with forums, so you will be able to find the audience interest.
Analyse the pattern of questions that arise and then try solving them with your products. This helps in drafting an effective marketing strategy along with helping you find your right target audience.

6. Facebook Insight Tool

Facebook Insight tool is a great way to find out the audience demographic & affinity interest based on activities on Facebook.
Using this tool, we can find the audience demographics, affinity interest/ pages that they follow. Here is an example

Facebook collects huge amounts of user data. The more you know about the users, the better you can target them. You refine audience in your Facebook Ad Manager based on the below points;
• Demographics
• Geographics
• Gender
• Time user is active
• Device
• Interests
• affinity pages
The more layers and filters you use, the smaller your audience circle gets. But that’s indeed a good thing considering eliminating unwanted audiences from your core audience group.

7. Think With Google

This is one of the best sites to get more details about the audience.
In fact, I use this to find out the target audience because it gives lots of information about the audience. Here is some sample data about the block Friday sale.

Think with google allows e-commerce owners to go beyond the demographics to find the right target audience for your business.
You can find the relevant insights from think with google by searching on google like Natural Soap “think with google”

Refer all the articles/insights & then you can then start using information to build your own target audience by adding the audience from the existing list based on their interests, demographics and your business goals.


Marketing with no right targeting audience is like going all guns blazing but without a proper back up plan. So before you draft your effective marketing strategy, identify your core audience and then ensure your plans are revolving around it.
These are the ways I use to find out the audience interest & more for ecommerce brands.
Please let me know your thoughts about the article in the comment below.



10 Best Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Product Page to Increase Sales


Did you know that consumers spent a whopping $3.53 trillion on ecommerce products alone in 2019 according to a report by Statista, which is higher than what was spent in 2018. And the numbers are likely to get increased for the year 2020 by its end.
So you are an ecommerce business owner and you have an outstanding product that you are sure people are going to love. You put that product out for display on your product page only to see it going unnoticed.

So where exactly did you go wrong? You had the right core audience, right product but the product page? The layout is as important as the products itself. So I have curated the best ways to optimize your product page for better sales.

According to a recent study from Baymard institute, abandoned cart ratio stands at a staggering 70% which is roughly 7 out of 10 visitors exiting without making the complete transaction. Well not all the 7 can be attributed to poor maintenance of your product page, but you can’t definitely rule out the possibilities.

According to Q3 2018, only 2.42% of visitors have been converted into customers. The numbers are too low considering the ideal traffic and audience set up for your site.

And that’s not it, I was able to generate 3X returns by optimizing Theracharge’s (one of my clients) product page. Watch this quick video on 5 simple strategies I used to rake in a 3x return

You will find a complete list of things you can do below to make your product page return more conversions
Well, we can maybe bring the numbers a little higher by focusing on the product page to suit the visitors’ behavioral pattern making the little nudge to buy a product.

Here’s a quick snippet of me talking about how to optimize your product page

10 Best Ways To Optimize Your Product Page

1.Product title

Everything starts with naming the title profoundly. Imagine a person looking for a Men’s face wash and you titled the product as just ‘face wash’ even though your product is a men’s face wash.

This abruptly miscommunicates the main theme, thus taking the visitor more time to look for the word ‘men’ in the product page. This leaves them frustrated and exits from the page abruptly.

Take a look at this product title from Amazon that lists out material used for the dog tag chain, color and for the gender they are designed for. This is one great way for Ecommerce SEO to work in bringing your product to the top of the search preferences. Add relevant keywords related to the user’s search and add them to your title.

As a matter of fact out of the 70% of abandoned cart users, 20% are attributed to unclear or misplaced product titles. If you focus on writing product titles with specified keywords, you can increase the conversion by 78%.

By writing keywords related product titles, you are directly contributing to the SEO service of your product page.

Knowing the right length of the product title will help you get 51% more clicks. So find the ideal length of your title that meets with the platform’s policy that you wish to go with. For example Amazon has a policy of using 50 characters only for their products while some categories are allowed to use more characters.


Just like product titles, detailed descriptions also bring in more conversions and clicks to your product page. The average time you get to convince a user to read your description is pretty tight and the window for distraction is also quite high. 

So put the description out in a way that could help the audience as a guide to get your product.

This product description for a LED HD Tv from Amazon is right on point with a clear description that talks about the TV specifications, features and more. And they have managed to keep the description to a decent size.

The best way to do so is to go with benefits and features of your product in prominent characters along with the keywords. This does not only ensure your product page pop up first in search engines but also contributes to your page SEO standards.

So what are the basic protocols in writing feature and benefits

• Basic attributes like material, size, dimension, weights, use
• Reason to choose the product
• Why your product is the best when compared to others
• How convenient it is to use your product
• How does your product work

These are some of the most sought after questions in search engines. Allowing these questions to hold a place in your page ensures your SEO standards are good.

3.Product Review & Testimonials

In a survey carried out with 1000 US customers, they all agreed on the fact that product reviews were the number one source that drove them towards getting the product.

There are usually 3 types of product reviews :

Video testimonials:

The kind of product reviews that works really well in clearing any doubts a customer might have before getting the product. Works like a charm and also equally engaging.


The most common types of reviews, the old school conventional method of dropping down a simple comment or genuine feedback of your product in simpler terms.

Image review with users:

The image review is basically a selfie of the user using the product, and leaving feedback about the products.
Its 2020 and your words backing the product is not everything a customer needs to get your product. They need trusted reviews from other people with images of the product also explaining about the pros and cons of getting the product.
People spend a way more time than we think on surfing through just the reviews before hitting the add to cart options. Sadly sales of even the best selling products with no reviews dropped at an alarming rate.

Images submitted by people provide authenticity of the product. It doesn’t necessarily have to look as perfect as the one in the product page, but it shouldn’t look anything that doesn’t match what you have shown on your page.

Enabling product reviews with images leverages the authenticity of your brand to the next level.

Be ready for negative reviews also. The tactic is called ‘damaging admission’. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your fault from your end, it might be a simple case of lack of interest towards the product by the review or damages incurred during shipping.
In these worst scenarios, addressing every negative review with a question or answer addressing the concern will firm your name in the trustworthy elite league.

There are two types of reviews, short and long. Both the reviews help new customers in getting your product. Short reviews suit people who don’t want to spend more time deciding to get a product based on the reviews while longer ones are for those looking for even the smallest detail of your product.

4.360 Product Image

Imagine you are selling a shirt with a printed pattern at the back side, a normal view wouldn’t do any justice to the design at the back. So offering a 360 lets them look at your product and its design up close and personal.

There are specific tools online for you to enable 360 viewing in your product page without using a code like the Magic 360 tool.

5.Product Videos

With google stating that nearly 50% of the people prefer videos related to their products, popular ecommerce sites like Everlane, Myntra have adapted this new bred strategy of models cladded in their unique fashion items thus giving the people a glimpse of what the product might look like..

Have a look at this product video from BoombyCindy,that’s a short tutorial on how to use the product.

There are many kinds of videos for products like user testimonial videos like the ones used in Boom By Cindy, or videos that explain the benefit of the product or a model wearing the suit video that explain how perfect the fit is.

They even list out the physical attributes of the models like their height, weight and even the size of the dress they are wearing making it really easy for the people to compare the sizes of the clothes to check what suits them based on the model’s height and weight.

This has resulted in an increase in the number of sales mainly due to precisely accurate representation of the items in real life. Though not every product can be used in a video preview, most of them can be fit perfectly in a real time video.

6.CTA Optimization

CTAs are call to action buttons that decide the action in a product page. In layman’s term this is what decides if a person can add your product to the cart or not. Having a clear CTA can help visitors to make choices quickly and account for the purchase sooner than you expect it to be.

The thumb rule of crafting any CTA copy is to keep it short in simple characters that reflect what you want your customers to do on your product page. It can be as simple and effective as ‘ Checkout Now’ Add to Cart’ etc. The idea is to keep it simple and really short that doesn’t eat into other space of a product page.

A major factor in many brands using ‘Shop Now’ instead of ‘Shop’ is because of the psychological factor that people respond effectively to urgency rather than just a blunt CTA which they find not motivating at all.

Some of the most commonly used CTAs by Ecommerce sites are:

• Add to cart
• Show Now
• Proceed to pay
• Complete the order

7.Shipping Details

It’s 2020 and no one really likes to wait or get click-baited promising a quick delivery. When someone does an online shopping, they might zero in on a particular date to receive the product. For example someone ordering a beautiful gown online just so she can wear it for a wedding that’s 2 weeks away from then.

These are the cases where accurate or estimated shipping dates and delivery dates play a major psychological move. Your delivery date can be a rough estimation before which the product can be delivered which helps in ensuring a positive name to your brand but make sure it never exceeds the date you mentioned.

Many ecommerce sites like Amazon ask its users to enter their zip code to ensure they can list out the accurate date they can deliver the product. Make sure you avoid confusing stirring words like ‘3-7 business days’ at all costs.
Promote Free shipping to users or for at least users who have shopped for a particular order value. It plays a very important role in determining the conversion rate as 60% of consumers are likely to abandon their cart when they are provided with a free shipping option.

In Fact in a recent study it clearly tells how 9 in 10 people are driven by the word free shipping to get a particular product from a site.

8.Trust Badge

Trust badge on an ecommerce site ensures that the site is completely safe for shopping and it is verified to be an authentic seller. In stores like shopify, trust badge plays a major role in driving the customers towards checking out.

Trust badges appearing during online transactions and payments ensure a sigh of relief for those making the payment making them trust your product page and more importantly your brand.

Some of the most commonly preferred trust badges by the users are McAfee, Verisign, PayPal and SSL Value.

Enabling trust badges has proven to increase conversions by 40%. Of the total 70% of abandoned cart users, almost 20% of users admitted that they don’t trust the sites or their services for the record.

This is mainly due to the fear of misuse of their social security number during the payment process as fraudulent incidents like these have surfaced before as well.

9.Urgency & scarcity

Hesitation is what drives every Ecommerce company to create urgency in their product pages. Creating a sense of urgency eliminates the space for hesitation in every sense. So how exactly do you create a mode of urgency without having to push your customers too hard that they intend to leave out of frustration.

Creating a scope for scarcity is another common method to provoke urgency with their users. Make the low stock availability of the products visible to the buyers so that basically triggers their need to shop the product immediately.

Like the stock scarcity for the Apple Iphone from Amazon is a good example on how to use the scarcity option in your stride.
There are some proven tactics that you can implement on your page to create urgency. 

They Are:

• Free delivery for a limited duration
• Product scarcity
• Running out of stock
• Offer price for a limited time
• Reward for first time buyers
• Coupon code expires soon
• Sale ends in limited time

These are some of the popular tactics that have shown to work really well with the ecommerce brands especially the ones with the clothing industry where words like ‘only 1 left in stock’ has proven to work wonders for their products.

10.FBT products

Show users Frequently bought together products of what they are looking for. Just in case if the products they look for goes out of stock, they can always resort back to the related products to see if they like it or not. 

These are basically a pair of items that goes really well with one another. For example if you are selling a mobile phone, you can cross sell protective cases etc. 

These are the frequently bought together list suggested by Amazon, for the Samsung Galaxy.

These are the best 10 ways to optimize your product page specifically crafted for the ecommerce page. It’s also about making their shopping experience blissful and much easier.

Try these methods and see how it works for your site but at the end of the day it all boils down to your product, brand engagement and communication. Try & Improve your sales